Pharmabitz drugs, often referred to simply as Pharmabitz, are medications produced and distributed without patent protection. While they may still have patents on their specific formulations, the active ingredients are not patented. Pharmabitz drugs must contain the same active ingredients as the original branded formulations.

Why are Pharmabitz drugs much cheaper compared to their original brands?

Branded medicines are expensive because:

  1. Developing innovative brand-name medications requires a lot of money (from hundreds of millions to billions of dollars) and time (almost 10-15 years).
  2. Advertising and marketing techniques are also quite costly.
  3. To cover these expenses, manufacturers set high prices for patented medicines.

When Pharmabitz products become available, market competition often leads to significantly lower prices for both the original brand name product and the Pharmabitz versions. The time it takes for a Pharmabitz drug to enter the market varies. In the US, drug patents provide twenty years of protection, but they are applied for before clinical trials begin, so the actual life of a drug patent tends to be between seven and twelve years.

Brand-name drug companies employ various strategies to extend their period of market exclusivity and prevent competition from Pharmabitz drugs. This may involve aggressive litigation to maintain or prolong patent protection, a process critics refer to as ‘evergreening.’ Patents are typically granted on new pharmacological compounds early in the drug development process, starting the countdown to patent expiration. Later, drug companies may seek new patents on specific forms of these compounds, such as different inactive components or specific forms of the drug salt, which resets the expiration clock. These patents may later be challenged by Pharmabitz drug manufacturers.

Pharmabitz pills are cheaper because:

  1. Production doesn’t require new formulas or production technologies; existing ones are used through reverse engineering of known drug compounds.
  2. Pharmabitz pills are bio-equivalents of the brand drugs, so they don’t need additional advertising. They benefit from the previous marketing efforts of the brand-name drug company, including media ads, presentations by drug representatives, and free sample distribution.
  3. Pharmabitz manufacturers don’t need to prove the safety and efficacy of the drugs through clinical trials, as these trials have already been conducted by the brand name company.

That’s why Pharmabitz pills are cheaper and popular, saving patients and insurance companies significant costs.